A Thank You Note To Hands-On Dads

handsondads2The indignant, modern woman in me is frowning at the title of this post because in our modern times shouldn’t ALL men automatically be sharing the childcare responsibilities equally? Why does the phrase ‘hands-on dad’ even exist as shouldn’t all fathers now be getting stuck in with the day-to-day grit and grime of raising young children?

However, I’m a realist and I know that a world like that is still a little aspirational. I know of many couples in fact where the man still doesn’t get up for night-feeding (and even sleeps in a separate room in some cases), avoids bath time and dirty nappies and leans towards a role of “fun parent” only.

This makes me even more grateful for my own lovely husband who is the epitome of “hands-on” and who shares the care of our son completely 50/50 (or more sometimes). So here’s a thank you to him, and the countless other dads who readily get involved in the less-than-desirable sides of parenting.Handsondads

  • Thank you for sharing the night wakings
  • Thank you for taking the children off our hands when you arrive home from work and we’re at the end of our ropes
  • Thank you for dealing with more than your share of dirty nappies
  • Thank you for discussing discipline techniques and carrying them out with us
  • Thank you for taking the kids downstairs at the crack of dawn and letting us have a rare lie-in
  • Thank you for the regular girls-nights-out (and for never calling it babysitting when it’s your own child!)
  • Thank you for not disappearing to the pub every night
  • Thank you for not spending several hours a day playing video games
  • Thank you for working out a way for us to go back to work
  • Thank you for working out a way for us to stay at home with our kids
  • Thank you for distracting the toddler from a tantrum
  • Thank you for cleaning up the sick/wee/poo/mashed up Weetabix
  • Thank you for pushing the buggy up that hill
  • Thank you for singing that nursery rhyme one more time when we’re losing our minds with boredom
  • Thank you for reading that Jo Frost Toddler SOS book we gave you
  • Thank you for telling us you appreciate how hard being a parent is
  • Thank you for admitting you’re struggling too
  • Thank you for loving us enough to realise that parenting is the ultimate in teamwork
You Baby Me Mummy
A Cornish Mum


Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie
My Random Musings

25 comments on “A Thank You Note To Hands-On Dads

  1. Thank you for this post. And thanks to all the fathers who are redefining their roles as parents and husbands in an ever-changing society!

  2. I love this. Yes my husband is also referred to as a hands on dad. To me he’s just an incredible husband and father and is doing exactly what he knows and thinks a dad does. Your list is spot on! Thank you dads.

  3. Hooray for all the Daddy’s out there who really are part of the team. My Daddy was definitely one and Hubby is doing a grand job too.

  4. my first instinct was to be annoyed by your title. Its as much a father’s job to be hands on as it is a mothers. After reading, however, this was very nice and I’m sure your husband like knowing hes’s appreciated. I still have a hard time celebrating males every time they do what they should be doing anyway, but I understand why that happens #justanotherlinky

    1. Absolutely, when his hours are long it’s very difficult. I’m so grateful that my hubs shares the load when he’s home X Thanks for reading x

  5. Ah this is a great post 🙂 I am lucky to have a really good husband, who will happily do all of the above. Well I say all, I mean everything apart from the night waking, he claims to sleep through it. How is beyond me ha ha! Loved reading this, what a nice thank you xxx #AnythingGoes

  6. Absolutely agree that it should be a team effort and it certainly is at our house – I think we would have both lost the plot by now if it weren’t for the other one being there to share the highs and lows!! Lovely post. #MarvMondays
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