I’m not a fan of parenting advice. I don’t believe anyone should tell anyone else how to raise their children and what choices to make. So, generally, if I saw something marked as a parenting course I might run for the hills. However, these courses from Life Hacks For Kids are completely different and nothing like you might fear. They use your own values, experiences and parenting skills to help you to parent more positively.
The story behind Life Hacks For Kids is really inspirational for many of us currently slogging away in the rat race. Two years ago Dom and Lindsay made the staggeringly brave decision to resign from their city careers (financial adviser and TV marketeer respectively) and travel the world with their then six-year-old twins. This meant giving up everything they knew and embarking on the home schooling journey (frankly, a concept that I find quite terrifying!).
Whilst teaching their kids the standard curriculum it dawned on Dom and Lindsay that academia only really gets you so far, and that it’s values and life skills such as communication, determination and positivity that help you go the extra mile in the business world. This is something I’ve often thought about myself as there does seem to be so much pressure on children to perform academically, from a younger and younger age, that it seems we’re overlooking more emotional or social skills which, in reality, are just as important in the world of work – and life.
Following this realisation, Dom and Lindsay decided to create Life Hacks For Kids – a series of courses and products dedicated to helping parents to realise the values that are important to them and how to pass on those beliefs to their children.
Their first course, Parent By Design; Parent by using your values, focuses of helping parents to realise their core values and encourages them to put a plan of action in place on how they can encourage those same values into their children. I really love this concept. First off, because I’m a big fan of self-exploration – as many of you know from previous posts – and the modules in this course encourage you to really consider what are your core beliefs and why they are important. Secondly, I think this a brilliant way to teach our children how to be successful and fulfilled in their future life. Learning phonics or maths is great, and vital, but what about all those other, less measurable but equally important, life skills that you don’t get from a classroom? They get those from you and this course helps you to establish what they are and how you’re going to pass that knowledge on.
The course contains seven modules:
- Course Introduction
- Introduction to values
- My parenting values
- My doing values & review
- My being values & review
- Summary – bringing it all together
- And a resources section
I think it’s great that the main focus is on asking provoking questions to help you discover your own values and put your own plan into action, as opposed to telling you what to do as so many other parenting courses or advice does.
To give you a free taster of what the course is like you can take this mini version. I found this really thought provoking and helped me tap into thoughts about parenting that I hadn’t often considered before. It was extra enjoyable for me as I already have such a keen interested in psychology and I loved how it had such a positive spin – i.e. this is what you’re doing right, now how are you going to do more of it? So much of what we read about parenting is negative nowadays and people telling us what not to do, so this made a refreshing change! There is also a real practical element at the end which forces you to consider how you’re going to put these thoughts into practice and make an action plan (which you can then have emailed to you).
In practical terms, the online course is laid out really simply, it’s very easy to use and visually looks great, which I actually find really important if I’m doing something online. Aside from the courses, Life Hacks For Kids is a useful website in itself with thought-provoking blog posts like this one.
Life Hacks For Kids takes a really fresh view on parenting and definitely made me pause and think about how I’m going to ensure Caterpillar grows up to be a well-rounded person. If you’d like the chance to win the online course Parent By Design; Parent by using your values plus two fabulous books – Creating Innovators and Mindset – simply enter the giveaway below.
To find out more about Life Hacks For Kids, and their courses and resources, visit their website here. And if you use the coupon code butterflymother when you book you’ll receive a 25% discount.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post with Life Hacks For Kids. Words & opinions are all my own.
Wow this looks really interesting. I used to be a bit critical of such things but since having Josh I’ve become much more open minded and this really looks like it might be a good idea! xx #coolmumclub
Same here but this is a cool one as doesn’t tell you what to do lol! Thanks for reading xx
Wow – this is pretty cool. I would never have considered doing a parenting course before, but this looks good. I was going to do a project management course next year, wonder if that can double up as a parenting prop?!
Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub
MMT recently posted…#coolmumclub Linky week 37
Fascinating. It’s great to find something different that encourages you to look at your parenting from a different perspective. Thanks for sharing. #coolmumclub
MotherofTeenagers recently posted…Treating Your Teen’s Acne & Products That Work
Oh this sounds really interesting. I haven’t heard of it before but there is definitely merit in teaching our little ones more than the academic subjects. Like you I wouldn’t have considered a parenting course but this one certainly is intriguing xx #marvmondays
Although this sounds quite interesting I have to say it isn’t something I’d ever invest in, I don’t think parenting can be taught. #TriedTested
Chantelle Hazelden recently posted…Read With Me 2016 #38
a little helping hand in parenting is always welcome #TriedTested
Fiona Cambouropoulos recently posted…Robinson Crusoe now on DVD
What a great idea. I’m always looking for new ways to think and new things to learn but find that parenting courses often are face to face which can be a nightmare if you are a parent! So an online course with a difference sounds like a great idea! #MarvMondays
Cherry – The Newby Tribe recently posted…How a fairy helped my son sleep (or how I bribed my son!)
This looks interesting. It’s so great that they use your own values as guidance. #triedtested
Best way to do it in my opinion. Thanks for reading, lovely xx
What a great course! I completely agree that parenting with your values at the core is so important. I’ve been on many courses in the past (professionally) where they’ve talked about values and help you understand and discover what they are so that you can then make decisions and work in a way that is aligned to them. To consciously parent by them too would be so powerful. Great post, thanks for sharing it on #MarvMondays. Emily
getting the chance to do an online course is perfect for those who are stay at home parents or work and no time to go to college! #MarvMondays
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