Such a fun, adorable idea from this week’s Creative Kids guest blogger, Lauren from Sophie’s Nursery.
This super “Peek-A-Boo Family Tree” is a delightful game for young children who are learning their family & friends names & love games of Peek-A-Boo! The tree is made so photographs of your family & friends under the apple ‘peek-a-boo’ flaps can be moved around keeping your little ones interested & extending their learning whilst having fun!
- Stiff card = 1 x A3 green, 1 x A4 red & 1 x A4 brown (or white card & print/colour in shapes);
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Double sided tape / glue / sticky tabs
- Passport sized photos of family / friends
- 2 plastic ring binder pockets
- Thick card to strengthen tree.
- Optional – laminator & pockets
Download the instructions & templates here.
You can create lots of variations of this tree, for example you could vary the ‘peek-a-boo’ flaps so instead of apples you could use oranges, acorns or leaves. You could create a different shaped tree or even make your very own woodland with a set of trees each having photos of different family groups, friends or favourite toy families (e.g. Peppa Pig)!
Once made let your little one explore the family tree and show them how it works. Depending on their age & development you could for example:
- Ask your child to lift a flap and find a photograph. Say the person’s name clearly. If they are able, see if they can say the name back to you
- Get your child to lift the flap & independently say the names of the people they recognise
- Say a name of a certain family member & ask your child to find them under the flap
- See if your child can pair or group family members/friends together e.g. mummy & daddy, grandma & grandpa, siblings or sets of friends
- Print two sets of photos. Place one set under the ‘peek-a-boo’ flaps. See if your child can match the identical photos in both sets
- Use small sticky notes to write the names of family & friends to place on the flaps to help older pre-schoolers to start recognising letters & names
Remember – all children develop at their own pace. Keep it fun & relaxed you will still be giving them a developmental helping hand (see below).
What are you helping your little one to do? (all linked to/taken from the Early Years Framework)
- Make strong relationships with my special grown-ups.
- Recognising my special grown-ups.
- Copying & learning new sounds & words (or familiar names / words for older children)
- Understanding new words by pointing at what you are saying.
- Recognising written words that are special to me.
- Learning about & understanding the immediate world around me.
Enjoy some quality family bonding!
Blogger Bio
My name is Lauren and I am the creator of Sophie’s Nursery. I am 30 something year old mummy to the most amazing, funny and LOUD toddler, Sophie. She is the reason I started my blog – to share her craziness, cuteness and – most importantly – her inquisitiveness. I am an experienced teacher who loves creating imaginative and sensory play with my little one and turning my living room into a ‘nursery’ (hence my blog’s name)!
The original version of this post can be found here. For more from Sophie’s Nursery make sure you follow these links on on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest & Instagram
Have you done a creative project with your kids that you’d like to share? Do you have a brilliant messy play task? If you’d like to write a guest blog post around getting arty, crafty or messy with kids please email me at Find out more about the series here.