How To Tackle Dust In Your Kids’ Rooms

If you find your children are coughing, sneezing, and suffering from a stuffy nose, then they might not have a cold. They might be suffering from allergies. If they’re struggling to breathe or wheezing, then they could have asthma triggered by dust mites. Your home, the place where you think they’re safest, might actually be what’s making them sick. If your children have asthma or allergies, start by reducing triggers in their rooms to give them a secure space to breathe.

Store Toys In Covered Containers


Image via Flickr by DrDawn1

There are two good reasons for storing your children’s toys in covered containers. First, when the toys are put away, they won’t be gathering dust, dirt, and other grime that can irritate allergies and cause asthma attacks. Whenever your children want to play with something, they can get it out of the bin without you worrying about its cleanliness.

The next reason is meant to help you. It’s harder to clean a floor that’s covered in toys, which means you will end up picking them all up or will just sweep and vacuum around them. This is also a great opportunity to teach your kids responsibility for their toys by introducing them to their first clean-up chores.

Clean Out The Closet Regularly

Most kids store more than their clothes in their closets. They also use them to store toys, stuffed animals, and miscellaneous items they don’t often need. You might not think about the closet as a dust creator, but it could actually be one of the main culprits in your home. Your clothes continually shed tiny fibers, which contribute to dust in your home.

To keep your children’s closets clean, store unused clothes (like winter clothes or important dresses) in airtight containers. If your kids are younger and growing like weeds, set aside an afternoon every few months around when the seasons are changing to donate any clothes they’re growing out of. If a sweater or pair of pants is getting to be too short on your children now, they will definitely be too small by next fall. You can save the clutter and the dust by donating them now.

Create a “Dust-Free” Checklist

Create a checklist for your children’s rooms that lists all of the problem areas that gather dust. While you or your significant other might remember to dust the tops of their dresser or bed frame, will you always climb up and dust the blinds or wipe down the trim around the room? This would be like only brushing your front teeth without caring for your molars, gums, or tongue. Some of the dirt is removed, but most of it is still there. By creating a checklist, you or anyone else who cleans the room can make sure they get all of the nooks and crannies that collect dust.

Your children’s rooms tend to be some of the most cluttered spaces in the house. By putting their toys away and regularly donating old clothes that they don’t need, you can cut down on the clutter and focus on cleaning better. The symptoms should start to abate, and both you and your children and breathe easier.

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative guest post.

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