Anxiety can be crippling. Even if you know what triggers your anxiety when it strikes, it can leave you feeling uncomfortable and on edge in the very least. In the worst cases, it can make your life feel unbearable. Anxiety can stop you from eating and sleeping. It can tear you away from the things that you love, and it can leave you feeling empty and exhausted.
While it might feel that your anxiety is completely unmanageable when it is at its worst, it is possible to implement a coping strategy that can help you keep on top of the symptoms.
Know Your Triggers
One of the first things that you need to do in order to help manage your anxiety is to identify your triggers. This may not be too easy. Start paying attention to what you are doing, and what you are thinking when you start to feel anxiety. You may not always fully understand why anxiety takes hold, but if you start to take note of everything that is going on around your anxiety, then you can understand the patterns.
Once you know the causes, you can start to think of ways of minimizing your exposure to these triggers. Of course, that is not always practical, however, there are often small changes to your life and routine that can be made to avoid these triggers having the same impact.
One way of managing the symptoms of anxiety is by using cbd oil. CBD comes from the cannabis plant, however, it does not have the same psychoactive properties as the cannabis drug.
CBD is safe to use, it removes the feelings of anxiety and leaves you feeling calmer. It is non-drowsy and has no side-effects. It is not addictive, and it can be used as and when needed. It is also quite fast-acting, meaning that you can take it when you start to feel the symptoms of anxiety.
Breathing Techniques
There are lots of different breathing techniques that can help you deal with your anxiety. By breathing in deeply and slowly, and exhaling very slowly, you will start to feel a reduction in feelings of anxiety. Using deep breathing techniques can help you to calm erratic breathing. Often, anxiety can cause us to feel as though we are short of breath or are about to hyperventilate. Bringing your breathing under control in this way will provide your brain with oxygen when you need it the most.
Exercise is important in the management of anxiety. Exercise helps your body to produce endorphins which are useful in helping you to feel positive. Exercise is a great way of processing feelings of anxiety.
If you do not currently exercise often, you should start small and work up. Pick a type of exercise that suits you, whether that is walking, running, swimming, cycling, or using a gym, and start by doing just a few short minutes of exercise. Then, build this up over time.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.