Orchard Toys – Sound Detectives
It’s been a while since our last Orchard Toy review but I’m back today to show you one of their latest games – Sound Detectives. We’re long time fans of the Orchard Toys brand since…
It’s been a while since our last Orchard Toy review but I’m back today to show you one of their latest games – Sound Detectives. We’re long time fans of the Orchard Toys brand since…
As the beginning of Caterpillar’s second year at school looms I’m struck, as always, with a whole host of emotions. Change of any kind is always tricky for someone with a history of Anxiety and…
Last week I wrote about coping between therapy sessions and mentioned a fab new app I’ve been using called Therachat. Today, I wanted to tell you a little more about Therachat and it’s features, and…
A few weeks back I shared tips for anyone currently going through CBT therapy and today I’m back to talk about how you can keep calm and positive between sessions. When you’re really poorly just…
When I was unwell I tried so many different things to get better – I was doing everything from meditation & medication to therapy & supplements. Because of this I’m unable to 100% identify what one…
Summer weather can often have a hugely positive impact on our mood & emotional wellbeing and this year I’m feeling better than I ever have in five years since this journey began. In an effort…
When I left the house yesterday morning I told Caterpillar that I could sense the impending Spring. He looked at me like I was completely mad, in a way that only small children can, and…
I had never even heard of the word mindfulness before my son’s birth in 2013. I thought meditation was for monks and hippies and had nothing to do with real life. Fast-forward a few weeks…
Our love affair with Orchard Toys continues and today we have a new game to share with you. Caterpillar continues to choose board games above almost any other toy and that’s absolutely fine with me…
Regular readers will know I’m a big advocate of self-care for parents, as well as ensuring we stay connected to the hobbies and interests we had before entering the parenting journey. So when I was…