Healing, Helping Others & Becoming A Healthwatch Ambassador
As many of you know, when I was very ill I was obsessed with reading blogs about anxiety and PND, in particular recovery stories, and made a promise to myself that if I got better…
As many of you know, when I was very ill I was obsessed with reading blogs about anxiety and PND, in particular recovery stories, and made a promise to myself that if I got better…
We all know how irritating it can be to receive parenting advice from someone who doesn’t have kids, no matter how well meaning they are. But what about the advice or promises we made ourselves…
I always imagined I’d love being a stay-at-home-mum. My friends and I used to joke about all the coffee mornings we’d have watching This Morning, eating doughnuts and generally chilling out (Just…wow. Sometimes I really…
Dear Caterpillar In a lot of ways the last three years have gone quickly. You grow and change so swiftly that often you get up in the morning and Daddy and I comment that you’ve…
Today marks one year since I posted my first ever blog post. I began this blog for only two reasons. Firstly, I hoped that I could begin to come to terms with experiencing PND and…
One of the biggest sources of anxiety for me when Caterpillar was first born was that I wasn’t really enjoying being a mum. I’ve talked before about how this realisation/question literally shattered my brain and…
I am an enormous believer in the importance of self-care. I strongly believe that just because you’re a mum it doesn’t mean you should sacrifice your identity or taking care of your needs. Obviously you simply…
There are so many things I’ve struggled to adjust to since becoming a parent – managing my frustration, dealing with tiredness, learning some patience (disclaimer: I haven’t cracked any of these yet!) and riding the…
This post was originally written as a guest post for Mum Plus Business, a website dedicated to helping mums set up their own business or move into flexible working. You expect a great deal to change when…