Animals & Art – Three Board Books To Share With Your Little Ones

Boardbooks2It’s never too early to begin reading with your babies, in my opinion, and although I love reading picture books to Caterpillar now at three, the magic of seeing his really early engagement with board books during his baby/young toddler days was one of the first things I really enjoyed about motherhood.

You can read about previous board books we enjoyed here and here but today I’m sharing three new ones from Child’s Play.

CliveThe first is Clive & His Art.  This is part of a four-part series by the author and publisher and takes us on a tour of everything art means to a young boy called Clive – from building a cardboard castle & threading beads to looking at a sculpture in a museum.  If you have a mini artist at home they will really enjoy this, plus some of what Clive gets up to can provide some art activity inspiration to us parents too!

Animal Babies In The Meadow – again part of a series of four on the same topic – is really fun. The vast majority of board books centre on animals or animal sounds but these are the only ones I’ve seen that focus on teaching children the names of baby animals.  Even I learnt something – who else knows what baby spiders are called?  This is great for when your child has good knowledge of the standard animal names and is ready to branch out.

zebraThe last book is a puppet book called Zebra’s Sneeze, a two-part by Maxine Lee.  I love books that include a finger puppet element as it’s a great way of engaging your kids with the story in a physical way.  I don’t remember such a thing existing when I was a child.  This one also includes a great tool for engaging babies and toddlers – repetition.  These puppet books have good longevity too as babies, toddlers & preschoolers all enjoy them – Caterpillar and I have had a lot of fun with this one.

If you’re interested in any of these books please visit Child’s Play here.

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14 comments on “Animals & Art – Three Board Books To Share With Your Little Ones

  1. I really like the look of the animal babies series by Julia Groves – it’s been on my list for a while! If I don’t get it soon BookBairn will have outgrown it. *must get on that. Personally, I find the zebra kinda scary-looking. Perhaps I’m a bit of a wuss. Kids would probably love it! #readwithme
    BookBairn recently posted…What do you buy the girl who has everything?My Profile

  2. These look lovely – I love taking the time to read with my daughter and the illustrations in these books are just beautiful 🙂 #TriedTested

    Helen x

  3. My two year old is massively into books at the moment and I could see that she’d enjoy all of these. Oooh, I need to know what a baby spider is called now. Going to Google it now…


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