When I launched The Butterfly Mother two and a half years ago I barely knew what a blog even was – I just knew I wanted to share my journey and experiences and this seemed like the simplest way.
Since then I’ve been on an incredibly steep learning curve where I’ve soaked up every bit of blogging & writing information and advice I could get my hands on. Today, I feel fortunate to be collaborating with six fellow bloggers to share our best tips and tricks for reaching your ideal audience.

Debbie at My Random Musings
Write as yourself – write in your own voice as you would talk in real life and let your personality show through. People talk about finding your niche, the truth is, YOU are your niche – your voice, your opinions – no one else is you and no one else thinks exactly like you. Use that to your advantage by showing readers the real you.
Kate at Kate Lili
Join lots of blogger groups on Facebook. This is where you will garner info about linkys and good places to share your content. Don’t just sit back and wait for people to read your posts, you might be waiting a long time! Promote wherever you can. Get over your shyness early on and appreciate your creativity. You write for people to read it so don’t be ashamed to promote it!
Natalie at Meme And Harri
Remember why you started – It is so hard to not get obsessed with stats and followers to the point where it can completely take over. I went through a phase when I was constantly checking how many people were reading my blog or getting upset if I lost followers on social media. It took me a while to realise that this is not why I started blogging. I started because I wanted to document my girls life. I started because I wanted something for me. I started because I love to write. When it all gets too much (and it will at times) you just need to remember.
Debbie at My Chaotically Eclectic Life
Get organised and consistent! Keep a notebook or some way to take notes, with you at all times as you never know when inspiration for a blog post might strike. Plan well in advance for things that will send you off track (such as school holidays) so you can stick to your posting schedule.
Erica at A Little Luxury For Me
Know your audience and write with them in mind. When I am writing my blog I usually try to visualise the people I am writing for: you can see who your audience is from Google Analytics. I often think of a few friends (who are the right age, gender, stage in life) who would be interested in what I am writing about and I try to write as if I was talking to them. I find this helps my writing as I am directing what I am saying at real people, but to keep a little distance there I pretend that they have brought a friend or two along that I’ve not met before so I explain things fully. If you want to branch out your audience a little start including a man in your imaginary audience (if most of your readers are women) or someone older or younger or with different interests.
Sassy at Thinking Out Loud
You may have your target audience in mind, but many people, including those with disabilities, may stumble upon your website.
And this is a chance for you to be as inclusive as possible.
Alt text is the blank area for you to give your reader a visual representation of what is in your photo or image. Many bloggers unknowingly believe that it’s for keywords within your post. This is the most important tip I can give to anyone: describe your images, photos memes and pins so you’re blind and other disabled readers can be included and not confused.
And finally, what’s my favourite piece of blogging advice? I’ve gone right back to basics;
Create useful or helpful content. Some really successful bloggers primarily use their blog as a journal, charting everyday life etc, and that works well for them. But personally, I would rather write, and read, posts that focus on either a specific topic, are opinion-led, thought-provoking or helpful to readers. For example, if you switch up the post “An update on my baby’s weaning.” to “Ten Steps For Easy Weaning” it becomes much more interesting and useful.
To find out more about what I’ve learnt since becoming a blogger, check out the links below. And please hop over to the other bloggers in this list to check out their wonderful content.
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