The demand for social workers has only grown in recent years, with many young people deciding to enter the field. Do you think you have what it takes to be a social worker? There are several traits and talents that are conducive to being a good social worker, and you may well find that you’ve got what it takes!
Social workers should be empathetic people who are intuitive and receptive to the needs of others. They are good listeners who lend an ear to those who are able to easily communicate with people of all ages, socio-economic backgrounds and cultures. Social workers are kind individuals who do not let bias or prejudice cloud their judgements. They are good at setting boundaries and using critical and creative thinking skills to help people in various situations. They are cool under pressure and able to handle themselves in high-stakes, stressful situations. You will find social workers as case workers, assisting in schools and hospitals, at court, assisting law enforcement, giving insights to psychologists and therapists, helping write policies at the government level, acting as liasions, translators, mentors and more.
Social workers work in a wide variety of areas – in education, such as in schools, at local centers and offices managed by counties and cities (such as local DCFS offices, health clinics and shelters), as advocates in hospitals and medical centers, and at higher levels, serving on boards and helping with initiatives and government programs. No matter what type of job you’re interested in, working in the field of social work is very rewarding if you’d like to give back to your community and help those who cannot always help themselves.
To begin a career in social work, you will need a Masters Degree in Social Work from an accredited university. As you continue on with your career you may find yourself wanting to brush up on your social work skills from time to time with classes, workshops and more, which can also be offered at the local level and online through various universities. Many social workers also have degrees in business or education as a secondary field, opening up their career path to more opportunities.
Social workers are valued members of their community, helping both children and adults through tough times and acting as advocates for the most vulnerable in their communities. The job can be high-stakes at times, and requires someone who is cool under pressure, empathetic and smart on their feet, as well as intuitive and able to solve problems. It deals with the public regularly so being social and comfortable dealing with others on a daily basis is a must. These positions offer good job security and often have decent benefits as well. Wages and salaries are dependent on the type of social work positions you hold as well as location, etc.
Join the 650,000 employed social workers across the United States and consider a career giving back to your community and helping others by obtaining a Masters Degree in Social Work.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.