How Do You Self-Care?
I’ve touched on self-care several times previously but today I thought I’d share the (sometimes) random activities I partake in as a means of looking after my emotional wellbeing. Self-care is important for everyone but…
I’ve touched on self-care several times previously but today I thought I’d share the (sometimes) random activities I partake in as a means of looking after my emotional wellbeing. Self-care is important for everyone but…
PND is such a frightening and terrible experience, one than I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy and one that I desperately don’t want to repeat. To indicate that there are positives to such an…
This post was originally written as a guest post for Mum Plus Business, a website dedicated to helping mums set up their own business or move into flexible working. You expect a great deal to change when…
A short but very sweet post from me today. I just wanted to take a moment to talk about Rosey of PNDandme and her amazing work, especially in regards to #pndhour. I wish so deeply…
One of the worst things about Postnatal Depression is that it’s a period of depression during a time when society expects you to be at your happiest. Similarly, dealing with any depression or mental health…
*Trigger warning: this review contains reference to suicidal thoughts.* What strikes me most when reading the heart-wrenching anthology Mothering Through the Darkness is how indiscriminate Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders really are. They can, and…
When you’re in the grips of a Perinatal Mental Illness nothing exists except that terrible moment; that fear and that sadness. But a brighter future does exist…and recovery is possible. Then, I was terrified of…
During the summer, at the time when anxiety had reared it’s ugly head again, I found myself crying in the kids section of Next. I was early for work and had gone in to spend…
I’ve talked before about Three Things. This was an idea I first heard about from Lauren at My Postpartum Voice when she was helping me through a very bad patch at the beginning of my…
This post was originally written as a guest blog for MQ. MQ is a new charity, set up to transform mental health through research, to ease suffering and improve the lives of everyone affected by mental…