An Open Letter To BBC Panorama
Dear BBC Panorama Just over four years ago I gave birth to my son, we were both completely healthy. Eight weeks later I was suicidal. What began as a hormone crash had escalated to severe…
Dear BBC Panorama Just over four years ago I gave birth to my son, we were both completely healthy. Eight weeks later I was suicidal. What began as a hormone crash had escalated to severe…
When I wrote this post just over a year ago I hoped The Butterfly Mother would still be going strong but I wasn’t completely certain. For those who don’t know, this blog began life as…
I wrote a blog post back in January called Blind Faith where I touched on the power of how learning to think a certain way can have a truly immediate impact on Anxiety and your mood.…
When you’re struggling with Anxiety, sometimes all you wish for is to feel ordinary. To wake up without that rush of fear or unease. To be able to make dinner and clean and work and…
The very existence of this blog is good evidence that I find writing to be an extremely therapeutic part of the healing process, but in addition to this I also use various lists to strengthen…
Welcome back to the Butterfly Book Club and apologies for the long break. I’m hoping to get all my regular features back up and running now and I’m starting with a lovely one – a treat…
I should admit right from the off that I’m both overweight and pretty unfit so this is most certainly not one of those motivational, expert, gym-bunny posts. However I did want to share my recent…
Every time I’ve struggled with anxiety I’ve ended up realising that it’s actually a learning experience. This doesn’t mean I enjoy it, believe me – I wouldn’t wish these experiences on anyone. However, I can’t…
Last week the inspiring Dr Carrie Ladd (RCGP fellow and developer of the Perinatal Mental Health Toolkit – read more here) invited Sarah and I to speak to a large group of local GPs about…
Telling someone you have a mental health issue can be very frightening. I’m not talking about blogging or advocating and walking on Westminster – I’m talking about reaching out to a friend or a family…