Summer is fast approaching, and how exciting is that? Barbecues out in the yard with some ice cold beer and wine to accompany that grilled goodness. Long days and pleasant nights spent relaxing with your loved ones. Christmas and New Years Eve and end of year parties. It truly is a magnificent, majestic time to be enjoyed by all. Yet the little ones in your life can have some difficulty coping with the heat. So if you’re planning on taking your young babies out for a walk or outing in summer, you need to take some steps to ensure they’re safe. Let’s check out how in this helpful article.
Have the Right Stroller
You want to make sure that you have a pram or strollers that is right for the job. Ideally the baby mobile will have a cover to provide some shade that can be raised or lowered as needed. Babies can overheat much easier than adults so it’s important that they are covered by this shade while out during the day in summer. If your stroller or pram doesn’t have this function then it is time to shop around for one that does.
Slip, Slop, Slap
Remember that old sun smart campaign in the nineties? Well, it still applies today. Make sure that your baby slips on a shirt when they’re out in the sun, at the park or at the beach during summer. Slop them up with some sunscreen. Check out this helpful list of the best sunscreens for little ones. Make sure that you re-apply the sunscreen every two hours or more often if they’re in the water. Finally, slap on a wide brimmed hat. Some kids hate to wear hats and will pull them off in a fit, but you can remedy this by purchasing one that has an adjustable cord to keep it tight around their chin. Try to avoid baseball caps as these only shade the face and not the neck.
In The Shade is The Best Place to Be
If you’re taking the baby on an outdoor outing make sure to try and find some shade to sit in. If you’re having a picnic in a park then aim to sit under a big tree that throws a lot of shade. If you’re heading to the beach then pack one of those handy beach tents to sit in, or a giant beach umbrella. Even with sunscreen on too much direct exposure to sunlight or heat can cause heat stroke in the very young.
If The Mercury is Really Rising
If it’s going to be above 38-40 degrees you may need to reconsider if you should be going outside. It may be that it is just a little too hot for your baby. In this case, why not stay inside and pop the air conditioner on and watch a family friendly movie, or enjoy some quiet play inside? Rather than risk your child’s safety just chill out indoors and wait for the weather to become a bit more tolerable. If a cool change sweeps through at night then go for a walk then so you at least get outside for some of the day.
To Conclude
Make sure that you have a pram or stroller that provides shade and shelter for your baby. Remember the rule of slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat. Seek some shade or bring some with you when going outdoors for a day. And finally, if it’s really damn hot then play it safe and stay inside with some climate control.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.