Guest Blogging Opportunity – Parenting Challenges

My Mountain New Banner (no label)Following the fantastic contributors last year I’m now re-opening the My Mountain series – a guest blogging feature where I invite other parents to share the biggest challenges they’ve faced since deciding to start a family.  We’d love to know how you overcame these issues or are overcoming them.

The subject matter is wide open. Did you have difficulty getting pregnant? Were you emotionally overwhelmed during those first few weeks? Did your baby have colic and never sleep? Does your child have a disability you had to learn to manage? Maybe you struggle with breastfeeding, weaning, toddler behaviour or being a working parent or a single parent? Or any other issue you would like to write about and/or raise awareness of. Whatever your big parenting challenge I’d love to share your story in this feature.

You can find all the previous posts for this series here.

I really believe it’s important for parents to get these issues out in the open, and to share advice and positive ideas. Plus, it’s a great opportunity for bloggers to connect with each other.  If you’re interested in contributing please email me at with your suggested topic.

And remember you don’t have to already be a blogger to join in. Just willing to write something honest and creative that’s between 500-1000 words 🙂

Can’t wait to hear from you!  Thanks x

Run Jump Scrap!


Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday

117 comments on “Guest Blogging Opportunity – Parenting Challenges

  1. Hey lovely, I’d absolutely love to take part in this. What a fab idea. Drop me a line to let me know how to get involved. I have a few things I could write about! #bestandworst

  2. what a fabulous idea. I had fertility treatment and the path to pregnancy was a long one! #bestandworst Angela from Daysinbed

  3. Hello, this is a great idea. I’m looking forward to reading all the different posts. I would love to join in, getting my 2 year to eat is the most stressful parenting challenge for me at the moment, I would love to write about that if it fits with the theme? Let me know, looking forward to the series xx #coolmumclub

    1. Hiya! Thanks so much for your interest 🙂 I actually already have someone planning to write about returning to work but breastfeeding would be a good one as I know so many women can relate. I’m looking for 500-1000 plus a paragraph about you and your blog that I’ll include too. Just email me at Thanks again x

  4. Would love to do a post about how I hated being pregnant with the passion of a thousand fiery suns and felt really guilty about it. #coolmumclub

  5. This is such a great guest post series idea, I love it! Agree its so important for us to share our most challenging experiences as parents. Sometimes we only see and read the good bits, at least thats how it can feel sometimes. So I think this will be great. Would love to join in if I can get my act together and get organised enough :-). Emily #coolmumclub

  6. I would like to do something on being a single mother by choice. Slight overlap with Daysinbed as it also involves IVF, but very different circumstances as my son is donor conceived and I had him as a single parent, so could talk about my “journey” (hahaha, love that word!)

  7. Hiya, im just wondering if there is an age limit on this. My ‘boy’ is 21 now, but he is battleing some really tough mental health problems at the moment, as a mum its hard to watch and support someone through that x #coolmumclub

  8. Great idea! Not sure if this is a good topic but we’re currently struggling with recurring toddler constipation!! Reckon that’d make a good guesst post??!! #JustAnotherLinky

  9. Lovely to read all the comments full of ideas for this series. Can’t wait to read them all and hopefully getting involved too! Popping over again from #kcacols xx

  10. What a great idea Laura! I would love to join in. I’m thinking I could perhaps talk about weaning a baby on a milk free diet which is what I had to do with my youngest when he was a baby!

    Thanks so much for linking up to #KCACOLS I hope to see you back again next week X

  11. What a fab idea for a series. I think it will be a great resource for parents to get some advice if they are struggling with anything, and sometimes, even knowing you’re not alone is enough to help! #KCACOLS

  12. What a great idea. I’d love to write something time allowing. My 2 key topics would be having both children by c section not au natural And how hard it is to find part time employment. #kcacols lifeinthemumslane

  13. What a great idea. I’d love to write something time allowing. My 2 key topics would be having both children by c section not au natural & that sense you may have failed and an episode I had were my son would cry & grab me at school when I dropped him off every morning. #kcacols lifeinthemumslane

  14. This is a great idea for a guest series! Not sure I can think of anything I could add that would not be ridiculous, but if I come up with a possible idea, I will definitely contact you! #KCACOLS

      1. Just realised I said Loving Two when I meant The Day He wasn’t Neurotypical! That was the current one then. I guess it is the latter that you wanted to include? (Though happy with either obviously!) The first in the series is pretty moving.

  15. I’ve been on the lookout for guest posting opportunities. I will be in touch soon. My biggest challenge was transitioning from being a mum to a baby to being a mum to a toddler. I found it was much harder work dealing with an active boy with no sense of danger!
    I’ve also struggled to find mum friends due to my unique situation living abroad.
    Expect an email from me sometime today!

  16. Great topic! I’d love to be considered 🙂 I have a couple of things I find challenging at the mo – keeping the little one entertained, especially when it is a rainy day. And getting him to eat a good meal at home. he is fine at nursery but I have to up my game at home 🙂 thanks, Em x

  17. I’d be happy to take part if you still need posts? I could write about giving birth to a prem baby (my son was born at 35 weeks and spent time in ICU). Not to mention we had a lot to deal with with regards to Reflux which affected breastfeeding. I’m also back at work now and am fascinated at the mum/work balance I am navigating my way through. Let me know if you’d like any more help 🙂 xxx

  18. Hi there,

    I have been writing a series about stress as a parent, how I started my journey to becoming a calm parent with some tips for other parents who are wanting to do the same. It’s called The Stress Diaries. So far there are three parts if you wanted to pop over to my blog and read them to see if they are suitable for your series 🙂

  19. I am a disabled school psychologist as well as a single parent with two young adults who are 18 and 20. I
    lost my mobility in my thirties to misdiagnosed juvenile arthritis. After I delivered my daughter at age 38, my hips essentially eroded at the joints.
    I had to get a Nanny at that point in time and my career tanked, marriage and ultimately my home. My son who is 20, has Aspergers’ or High Functioning Autism. I am also active on the online disability groups where I do get support. My journey has been hellish, amazing, and humorous. I can’t name a crisis that I encountered that cannot be solved.
    I am happy to share my story, challenges, or support to anyone who struggles with parenting. My adults son is
    now my greatest challenge due to a gap in services. Housing for a disabled person is hard to find and live on disability. I think most women believe they will always be healthy and that their marriage will last. I also think women to need to plan for themselves financially no matter your circumstances. After the election, I am more convinced of this. I am not here to debate that. I want to help if I can. I do have doctorate in school psychology.

  20. I would love to write a piece for you. I am mom to twin girls who were a surprise pregnancy due to the fact that we thought we couldn’t get pregnant. We have struggled through parenthood this far due to the fact that we were late 20s and early 30s when we became parents and then we also had struggles with getting the girls to sleep in their own beds, in their own room, and various other struggles. I realize that everyone’s parenting struggle is different and that not every parent does parenthood the same.


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